Hexordia Weekly CTF Challenge 2024 - Week 3 Writeup

iOS - Those are Rookie Numbers (25 points)

What percentage of players were beat by PlanterPapp?

To solve this challenge, we are likely looking for something related to a game app and "PlanterPapp" is probably a gamer nickname.

In Magnet AXIOM Examine, 2 hits for search term "PlanterPapp" could be found from the OCR text and both of them were identical screenshots of the same app:

Both screenshots have the created time of 2023/12/17 00:20:15. When we look at what application was in focus around that time, the "com.activition.callofduty.shooter" app was in focus. A further Google search of "call of duty mobile chat" showed a similar chat screenshot in Reddit subreddit (r/CallOfDutyMobile).

The application data of "com.activition.callofduty.shooter" could be found at "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3690AAA8-713A-482B-92F1-3F7D3BCC73E6".

Under "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3690AAA8-713A-482B-92F1-3F7D3BCC73E6" app data directory, there was a "screenshot.jpg" under the "Documents" subdirectory. There was one line of "You beat 19.9% players in ranked. from "screenshot.jpg", where 19.9 was the correct answer.

iOS - That's a lot of Hiking (15 points)

What's the total elevation? 

For this challenge, I happened to stumble across the answer from a photo while searching for photos on the device:

This photo could be found from "00008110-000925383620A01E_files_full.zip\private\var\mobile\Media\PhotoData\Thumbnails\V2\DCIM\100APPLE\IMG_0028.HEIC\5005.JPG", the photo captured a sign with a number of names from different places and different values of  ELEV. (which should be abbreviation of elevation).

The last step would involve adding all ELEV. numbers and the sum of these numbers (71159) would be the intended answer.

iOS - Take Control (15 points)

What item was disabled in position 3?

This is a slightly vague question, but I thought this could be related to iOS Control Center given the emphasis of Control in the question name "Take Control".

In iLEAPP, there were iOS Control Center plugins to show list of active or disabled controls. From "Control Center - Disabled Controls" results page, there were 4 items and an app bundle name "com.apple.mobiletimer.controlcenter.timer" could be found in position 3, in which "com.apple.mobiletimer.controlcenter.timer" was the correct answer.



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