Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge Week 8 Writeup
This week's Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge is once again another two-parter. Part I of the challenge asked the following:
What package(s) were installed by the threat actor? Select the most correct answer!
From the user hadoop's .bash_history file, there was an entry that indicated hadoop used ll command to list out the details of a /usr/local/hadoop/bin/cluster.php file. Since Hadoop does not run on PHP, why on Earth would there be a cluster.php file inside the Hadoop binary folder?
Moreover, from either /var/log/apt/history.log or /var/log/apt/term.log, it was shown that the php package was installed on 2019-10-17 and most of the packages were installed on 2017.
- hosting a database
- serving a webpage
- to run a php webshell
- create a fake systemd service
As the cluster.php file was found earlier, the contents of cluster.php file should be inspected and there was some intriguing PHP code:
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