Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge Week 7 Writeup

After two weeks of challenging questions, week 7's Magnet Weekly CTF challenge is much more relenting and gentle than before. Despite the challenge was created as a three-parter, all the answers could be found from one single file.

So this week's challenge questions are:

  1. What is the IP address of the HDFS primary node?
  2. Is the IP address on HDFS-Primary dynamically or statically assigned?
  3. What is the interface name for the primary HDFS node?

In order to locate the answers to these questions, the /etc/network/interfaces file from the HDFS primary node should be looked at:

And boom, all the answers could be found here! 

  1. What is the IP address of the HDFS primary node? (
  2. Is the IP address on HDFS-Primary dynamically or statically assigned? (static)
  3. What is the interface name for the primary HDFS node? (ens33)

Case closed for this week.


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