Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge Week 3 Writeup
The following is the week 3 writeup for the Magnet Weekly CTF Challenge and this week's challenge looked like this: Seeing the words "Which exit did the device user pass by" and "Cargo" made me wonder if I should look for a sign that has an exit ID on it. Despite that, none of the Photos found from the Android image showed nothing like a sign: Magnet Forensic Staff normally would give some hints on this week's challenge on their YouTube channel on Monday 11ET and so did they last week . I had to say Jessica Hyde's hint was instrumental for me to crack this challenge quickly. With some Google searches, the webminar mentioned by Jessica could be found. This webminar was delivered by Jessica Hyde and Christopher Vance and the topic was about the comparison of artifacts between Android and iOS. The highlighted part from the above screenshot immediately caught my attention and I suddenly realized I had to look at the Motion Photos on the Android image. ...